Reasons to get your pet Spayed or Neutered in the Lowcountry

There are many reasons to consider having your pet spayed or neutered in the Lowcountry. It may be that you are just unsure when to have it done, or you may be struggling with whether to have it done entirely. Below we will discuss the advantages and misconceptions about spaying and neutering your pet.

Advantages to spaying and neutering your pet in the Lowcountry

  • Spaying and neutering your animal is to stop unwanted litters. Statistics show there are an estimated 70 million stray dogs and cats in the United States and of those only around ten percent end up in shelters.
    Over 45 million people already have at least one dog in their home and over 30 million have at least one cat. So, unless you are a certified AKC breeder, the chances of being able to sell or give away the litters of your animal are low, and it’s often difficult to find them a good home.
  • Spaying a female cat or dog can actually help them live longer. They have less incidents of mammoral tumors and certain cancers. Since they aren’t giving birth, the chances of problems with delivery and pregnancy are no longer an issue.
  • Neutering a male animal virtually eliminates instances of prostate and testicular cancer.
  • Behavioral issues in male animals are also curbed. In most cases males will either completely stop “marking their territory” or at least not do so as much. They will be less likely to attempt mating with other animals or your leg and roaming behaviors are also more in control.
  • Female animals will stop yowling and urinating to attract males.

Misconceptions about Spaying and Neutering your pet in the Lowcountry

  • It’s not a quick fix for bad behavior. While it will reduce the hormones that contribute to some behaviors, each animal has their own individual personality.
  • It won’t make your pet gain weight. Proper diet and exercise are always important for your pet whether they are spayed and neutered or not. 
  • There is no set age to have your pet spayed or neutered. Different breeds mature differently so even puppies and kittens may not be on the same track when it comes to doing the procedure.
  • There’s no guarantee your pet will have offspring “just like” them. Even if you are breeding purebred animals, temperament, size, and coloration may differ from your pet with their litters.
  • Your dog or cat does not need to feel fulfilled by going through childbirth. 
  • Just because your dog or cat is purebred, doesn’t mean you have to breed them. Purebred animals are abandoned and end up on the streets and in shelters every day.

You know your home is a good home, but you don’t always know where the litters of your pets will end up. Up to a million incidents of animal abuse and cruelty are reported in the US each year. 

Of the almost 8 million animals that end up in shelters, over half of those will be euthanized. Taking the step to prevent more strays is a humane and healthy way to honor your pet.

To talk more about spaying or neutering your dog or cat, or to make an appointment in the Lowcountry, give us a call at (843) 580-6209.